
2013年9月5日 星期四

God is much stronger than Satan

       God is much stronger than Satan, we need to renews our mind, heart, spirit and strength by loving God. Isaiah 40:29-31 said he has promised to renew our strength, Isaiah 41:10 is God's promise, Revelation 12:9, Satan is not strong enough, he losed his place. First we need to rest in our Spirit, renew our spirit. Rest and Trust = We love Jesus who is building you up, Jesus does not allow Satan to destroy you, our enemy wants to steal, kill and destroy us, Jesus come and he gives abundant life (full of Jesus, alike Him, over cup flowing, blessing, anointing... etc) (John 10:10)

Be encouage by the Words of God.

I speak my thought


         神比撒旦還要強。神愛我們,因此我們需要思想、心、靈及力量更新。以賽亞書40:29-31 節說:"衪應許我們,等候祂的,祂會更新我們的力量。以賽亞書41:10是主的應許。然後,啓示錄 12:9 說:"撒旦不夠強,它輸了,失了它的地方。"第一、我們需要在我們靈裡休息,使我們的靈更新。休息+信靠主=我們愛耶穌,祂使我們被更新和建造起來。耶穌不允許撒旦消滅我們,我們的敵人撒旦想要偷竊、殺害和毀滅我們;耶穌來了,祂給我們豐盛的生命(耶穌的滿溢,像主一樣,福杯滿溢,祝福及恩膏等等•••••)(約10:10) 領受神的話語而得的鼓勵! (我寫神放在我的思緒裡)