
2010年11月19日 星期五

Man's or Woman's Anger (2)

Read: James 1: 19-21

... for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that god desires.
James 1: 20

      Yesterday, I had my anger toward to servant maid who had done wrong, but she did not say; "Sorry!" But I chose to pray to God for help, I was sewing my skirt, I could not make right. Then God told me to go to the town. I went out.

      When I returned that I discovered my gate was open wide and my servant girl met her boyfriend. I was angry at her who finally said, "Forgive me!" Later evening, I talked to her, it turned out good and I reconciled with her. Then I discovered that I did not have anger any more, but all understanding peace as I have prayed.

       I love book of James, verse 19 said, ".... Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry." I knew that if I want to kill my anger, I shall pray more and more. It is only solution. Praise the Lord! In reality, "slow to speak and slow to become angry." It is very hard lesson in me. And I do fail from time to time. I also knew verse 20 said, "for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires." But in reality is very hard. But we can overcome it by Holy Spirit and self-control in Fruit of Spirit. It is taken the life time to learn it. Praise the Lord!

Looking upon Jesus who is help coming from! (Psalm 121:1)

Author: Rev. Rebecca Sun

