Psalm 145: 8-21; Matthew 6:33
You open your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing. Psalm 146: 16
Today, I will tell you about God is our Provider. We have finance problems, we need to have finance broken in God's time.
Last year, I had got 50 TSH (1 cent USD) for three weeks, But I believed that I would got 1,000 TSH (about 800 USD). That time, I had done eight days Crusade (outside area's preaching). I was faithful to go with my bike, going would spend about 45 minutes, coming back would spend about more than one hours. I rode my bike in dark night. I was overjoyed for every day. First day my Crusade, after my preaching, there were 11 people who wanted to believe in Jesus. I remembered the Scripture verse said, "Seek first your Kingdom of God, everything will add to you." (Matthew 6:33). I believed his Word, I kept to declare about 1,000 TSH.
Then one of my Singapore friend asked me over Skype, she asked me that how do you receive money? and she continued to ask me do you have money now? I answered 50 TSH, but she asked me 50 TSH was how much in USD, I said; "One cent". She laughed and promised me to send me some money. I had to wait for three weeks later.
After Crusade, her offering had been through twice: one was 400 USD, another is 700 USD, it was over 1,000 TSH. God is gracious and compassionate. (Verse 8).
I have had many testimonies as clouds (Hebrews 12:1-2). I had kept this 50 TSH for a long time, it had reminded me about God is being a good Father. He has known our needs, He is in control. Praise the Lord for ALL!
We need to proclaim God's promises with His Word. Verse 9 said, "the Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made." We proclaim that you are good all the time, what you have done or made with your compassion and rich in love. (V 8) Amen!
Verse 11 said, "They will tell of the glory of your kingdom and speak of your might." Oh God, we will work in the Kingdom of God and our mouth speak all your might and testimony. Then we want to glorify your Name on high. Amen!
Verse 13 said, ".... The Lord is faithful to all his promises and loving toward all he has made." Thank you to the Lord, You are faithful one to all, your love is full of joy what you have done. Your promise and word speak out, all things will fulfill, not returning empty. (Isaiah 55:11). Amen!
Verse 14 said, "The Lord upholds all those who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down." Oh Lord! You uphold all those who fall in their spiritual life or trust, we repent and turn aways from our wrong doing. Please you lifts us up, so that we can bow down on your feet. The true worship is knowing Jesus, the worship in Hebrew means a dog (we) licks the Master (Jesus) feet. So that we bow down to worship you as meaning of worship. Amen!
Verse 18 said, "The Lord is near to all who called on him to all who call on him in truth." Jesus said to Samaritan woman about where do they worship. Jesus said, "God is spirit and his worshipers mus worship in Spirit and in truth." (John 4:24). Jesus, we need to call on your Name, because you are close to brokenhearted and crash in spirit. (Psalm 34: 18). We call on your Name, we know you and who you are in truth. The Spirit of God is there, there are free and truth. Amen!
Verse 19 said, "He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and save them." God, please you fulfills my needs or my desires, because we trust in you and fear you and you will our cry and please you save us and deliver us in His time. Amen!
In the Name of Jesus, I break the finance hardship, it is not from God, but evil ones. Because every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights.(James 1: 17) All our proclaiming in the Name of Jesus, my finance will break through, I will seek first kingdom of God, please you add to me in my finance, my job providing and my husband or my wife prepared for me, ONLY for me in my benefit with your Promises. In the Name of Jesus, everyone says, "Amen!"
Trust in Him and Rest in His Promises
Author: Rev. Rebecca Sun